Home Energy Savings

According to our government’s Energy Dept. there are 12 main steps to save home energy (many of which can be deducted on your tax return or even receive credits).

1.) Get a home energy audit.  This can save you 5-30% on your annual energy bill (that can add up ya’ll).  Once you receive the audit suggestions, implement the energy-efficient upgrades as you are able.
2.) Install a programmable thermostat. If you lower your thermostat 10-15 degrees over an 8 hr period you can save 5-15% annually on heating bills!
3.) Maintain your fireplace.  Seal your fireplace flue damper, caulk around the hearth, install a heat-air flow back system, that blows warm air back into your room (these are great for heating an entire floor).
4.) Install storm windows.  This can save heat loss by a whopping 25-50% !!
5.) Open curtains during the day and close at night.  This seems simplistic and common sensical (sp?), but surprising enough many households will leave for a full day and not open curtains and/or blinds.  This simple feature will warm your room (remember you have lowered the thermostat) and at night prevent precious heat from escaping.
6.) When purchasing home electronics, get the ENERGY STAR items for instant energy savings.  For example, a computer with an ENERGY STAR can save 30-65% more energy than a non-designated computer.
7.) Purchase rechargeable batteries and an ENERGY STAR charger.
8.) Did you know you can save on your heating bill by using the right size pots over your electric or gas stove tops?
9.) Use LED lights vs incandescent lights.  
10.) Save energy by using timer controls on lights  
11.) Turn off power strips when not using them for holiday decorations.
12.) Empty your car of boxes and other items.  Removing 100 lbs of weight saves .08 cents per gallon on vehicle gas.

If you have any questions prior to that feel free to give us a call.