Will You See A Paycheck Increase?

​Your W4 withholding (that form you filled out when you started working at your job) will change as of ​Feb. 15, 2017 at the latest.  Your employer HAS to make those changes. 

What does that mean for your paycheck?

Many employees will begin to see increases in their paychecks to reflect the new tax law.  The time that it will take to see the changes in your paychecks will vary, depending on how quickly the new tables are implemented by your employers and how often you are paid.

 The new withholding tables are designed to work with the form W4 you have already filled out, this will minimize a lot of paperwork and changes.  Basically these revisions are designed to produce the correct amount of tax withholding, according to the new tax laws.

When you come in to get your taxes prepared, I can assist you with calculating your adjustments to your withholding that will reflect next year’s tax returns.

If you have any questions prior to that feel free to give us a call.

Until then see you at TAX TIME!
